The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most prestigious and internationally renowned film festivals in the world. It takes place annually in Cannes, a...
At Beautymute, we believe in providing insights into the lives and journeys of various artists, models, and creatives. Today, we delve into the world of model...
We’re talking about an important topic today which is: How to accept yourself. What does it mean to accept yourself, what areas does self-acceptance affect,...
Graduating from college is an incredibly significant milestone, representing the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and personal growth. It’s a time filled with excitement,...
H&M invites you to embrace a sophisticated yet simplistic summer wardrobe that exudes a touch of sparkle and shine. Unveiling their Summer 2023 collection. H&M showcases...
Minimalism is a lifestyle that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is a way of living that focuses on living with less, both in...
After the “becoming that girl” trend we now have the “in my healthy girl era” trend next. What does that mean? How can we understand it?...
Hublot and Nespresso collaborate on a groundbreaking project, creating a Big Bang watch using recycled Nespresso capsules and coffee grounds. This unique timepiece showcases their shared...
Dear readers, I would like to begin this first Editor’s Letter by introducing myself as Christoph Marti, the Editor-in-Chief of Beautymute Magazine. It is with great...
Self-care is an important part of living a healthy and happy lifestyle. Looking after yourself both mentally and physically is essential for taking control of your...