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Joey Kelly’s Family with Their First Song “Nur zusammen”



A Work of Two Generations: Joey Kelly’s Family Sings First Song Together
The song is by Maite Kelly and stands for family unity and strength
The single “Nur zusammen” (Only Together) will be available from Friday, December 1, 2023
Joey Kelly’s Family releases their first song “Nur zusammen”. The main message of the song is the strong feeling of connection within the family. Written by Maite Kelly and performed by Joey Kelly’s Family, the song will be released on December 1, 2023, and will be featured live on television on December 2, 2023, in Florian Silbereisen’s show “Das Adventsfest der 100.000 Lichter” (The Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights).

In the new year, the RTLZWEI audience can expect an insight into the adventure of Joey Kelly and his six-member family on the Panamericana with the documentary “Joey Kelly und Familie – Roadtrip Panamericana” (Joey Kelly and Family – Roadtrip Panamericana). A significant premiere for Joey Kelly and family is the song “Nur zusammen”, which was created during this exciting journey and written and produced by Maite Kelly.

Joey Kelly’s Family – This includes Joey Kelly with his wife Tanja and their four children Lillian, Luke, Leon, and Lisann. Viewers of Florian Silbereisen’s show “Das Adventsfest der 100.000 Lichter” can hear the song “Nur zusammen” live on December 2. This opportunity offers a preview of what the audience can expect in the upcoming documentary – an emotional journey across the Panamericana, accompanied by a touching musical score. “Nur zusammen” successfully captures the close bond and unity of the Kelly family in melody and lyrics. The message of the song is clear: “Only together are we strong”.

The single “Nur zusammen” will be released on December 1, 2023, by EL CARTEL MUSIC, distributed by Universal Music. Fans can look forward to a moving song that perfectly captures the emotions of Joey Kelly’s Family’s Panamericana journey.



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