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In Pursuit of True Exclusivity in Life



Dear readers

As a lifelong aficionado of the finer things in life, I’ve spent countless hours in sumptuous restaurants, savoring my afternoon tea in prime locales, and luxuriating in renowned hotels nestled in the heart of bustling metropolises. My journeys have taken me on extravagant trips that many would deem the epitome of luxury. Yet, as my experiences pile up, I find myself questioning: Is the cost of these indulgences truly reflective of their value? What is Exclusivity in Life?

In a world increasingly dominated by social media, we are constantly guided towards a certain standard of living. The platforms curate and define what ‘exclusivity’ should mean to us. A hefty price tag often accompanies these definitions, whether it’s opulent homes, hotspots in trendy neighborhoods, or high-end fashion labels. But does expensive always mean better?

I used to subscribe to this belief; a subconscious victim to the societal narrative that equated luxury with price. But as I delved deeper into this world of so-called exclusivity, I realized that the authenticity of an experience can’t always be measured in monetary terms. Sometimes, the hidden gems, the insiders’ secret spots, those truly provide the unique and memorable experiences. Experiences full of charm and character.

Is Social Media the definition of Luxury

With the rise of platforms like TikTok and Instagram, we’re seeing a new wave of trends. Trends that are leading us to places we might not typically frequent. These new trends appear to be setting a counterpoint to the usual expensive and crowded spots. They invite us to explore undiscovered locales that offer a distinct kind of exclusivity – the exclusivity of tranquility and space. There, we can truly relax and savor the experience, unhindered by overwhelming crowds.

And then there’s the question of whether we always need to document our experiences. I, too, am fond of capturing my surroundings on camera – there’s a certain thrill in sharing these moments with others. However, I can’t help but think that sometimes, we lose sight of the importance of simply being present. There is something undeniably special about fully immersing oneself in a moment, enjoying it in its pure form, perhaps with the company of a loved one at our side. Instead of viewing life through a lens, perhaps we should occasionally set the phone aside and truly drink in our surroundings.

But yes of course I love it

Don’t get me wrong. I still revel in the comfort and elegance of my favorite restaurants and hotels. There’s something profoundly satisfying about immersing oneself in a familiar luxury. But it’s equally important to step out of our comfort zones, to shake things up and reconsider whether a 10 euro coffee is truly superior to its 2 euro counterpart in a charming, authentic café.

As we navigate our lives, let’s remember that the idea of exclusivity isn’t confined to labels or price tags. It’s also about exploring new paths, seeking advice from local insiders, and being open to different experiences. True exclusivity might just be the privilege of discovering these unique places, experiencing their genuine ambiance, and coming away with unforgettable memories. After all, isn’t that what true luxury should be? What’s exclusivity in life for you?

Best regards and happy weekend

Christoph Marti – Editor-in-Chief

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