MontanaBlack, the renowned social media star of the German-speaking world, is set to revolutionize the energy drink market. In partnership with REWE and Kaufland, he has...
Yesterday, Apple unveiled the “Vision Pro” headset, marking its debut in the realm of mixed reality devices, alongside the introduction of visionOS, a new operating system...
The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most prestigious and internationally renowned film festivals in the world. It takes place annually in Cannes, a...
Thursday, May 4, 2023, the fourth edition of Fashion Night took place at Shoppi Tivoli in Spreitenbach (Switzerland). The show lasted about 1.5 hours and showed...
The first Monday of May, which marks the return of the Met Gala, an event that sees celebrities and fashion icons alike descending upon the Metropolitan...
The Beyond Hollywood International Film Festival (BHIFF) unveiled its winners at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, on Saturday with James Pratt winning...